This document bundle contains the following files:
- HYPOTHYROID NUTRITIONAL GUIDE - a 7 page ebook in PDF format. Includes summaries of dietary & lifestyle recommendations for hypothyroid clients. Also contains the one-page list of foods for thyroid support & a one-page daily diet example.
- HYPERTHYROID NUTRITIONAL GUIDE - a 7 page ebook in PDF format. Includes summaries of dietary & lifestyle recommendations for hyperthyroid clients. Also contains the one-page list of foods for thyroid support & a one-page daily diet example.
- ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS - a table of compounds, where they are found and how these impact thyroid function
- FACTORS IMPACTING THYROID FUNCTION CHART - this one page visual aid is handy when explaining how thyroid hormones are impacted by nutrition and lifestyle factors.
- GOITROGENIC FOODS LIST - A table containing all foods that act as goitrogens in large amounts when eaten raw.
- THYROID TEST RESULT DECODER - A simple table showing what thyroid test results may indicate.
- THYROID TREATMENT TREE - A summary of what natural treatment options. Easy reference for practice.
Sarris & Wardle, Clinical Naturopathy 2e
Hechtman, Clinical Naturopathic Medicine 2e
Thyroid Document BUNDLE